These are few Questions, Like Every Blogger Confronts while starting blogging. Its not about writing articles , its a medium to impact lives, showcase your thoughts, interact with others.(Much POWERFUL)

Firstly Lets Go Through Table of Content

Table of Contents

Whats Benefits of Doing Blogging and How this can become a source of passive income.

Here’s how blogging can generate passive earnings and some strategies to maximize its potential:

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular methods for bloggers to earn passive income. By including affiliate links in your posts, you can earn a commission from sales initiated through those links. The key is to integrate these links naturally within high-quality content that’s relevant to your audience. Once the content is live, it can continue to generate revenue without much additional effort, especially if it ranks well in search engines.E.g  Doing Affiliate on appsumo , hosting platforms 

2. Advertising

Displaying ads on your blog is another way to earn passive income. This can be done through networks like Google AdSense, where you place ads on your site and earn money based on views or clicks. Over time, as your blog’s traffic grows, these ads can generate substantial revenue even while you sleep.

3. Selling Digital Products

Creating and selling digital products such as eBooks, courses, or downloadable templates can also provide passive income. After the initial time investment in creating these products, they can be sold an unlimited number of times with minimal additional effort. Using automated selling and delivery systems ensures that your products can be purchased and accessed by your audience anytime.

4. Sponsored Posts-

While not entirely passive, once sponsored posts are written and published, they continue to provide value in terms of brand partnerships and potential future deals. Additionally, older sponsored posts can attract new readers and continue to generate traffic.

5. Subscription Services-

Some bloggers have moved towards a subscription model where readers pay for premium content, newsletters, or exclusive services. While this involves continuous creation of content, the recurring nature of the revenue stream qualifies it as a form of passive income.

6. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Investing in SEO can turn any of the above methods into more passive sources of income. By optimizing content to rank highly in search engine results, your blog can attract new readers without ongoing advertising or promotion. Good SEO practices ensure that older posts continue to drive traffic over time.


Note- Passive income from blogging isn’t immediate. Building a blog that generates a significant amount of passive income typically involves:

  • Building a large base of content which takes time and consistent effort.
  • Growing  an audience which requires effective marketing and engagement strategies.
  • Continual learning and adaptation to changing technologies and audience preferences.

Once established, however, a successful blog can continue to generate income with minimal ongoing work. This makes blogging an appealing option for those looking to build a source of passive income over the long term.

So, How To Start A Blog-

Choose Your Blogging Platform

Decide where you want to create your blog. There are many platforms include WordPress, Blogger, Medium ,many more , on which you start blogging.  so you can choose the one that best fits your needs and technical skills. We will mainly focus on starting blogging on wordpress.

Select a Domain Name-

Domain is like name of your shop ,Your domain name is your blog’s address on the internet (e.g., Choose a name that reflects the topic or niche of your blog and is easy to remember.

Choose a domain name that accurately reflects your blog’s topic and is easy to remember. It’s like the address of your online space. Invest time into researching and refining it to make it relevant to your and distinct. This can greatly impact your online success.e.g

Select a Hosting Name-

Hosting is like space of your shop , which is much critical as your whole system depends of its speed ,security , integrations, so files are saved in Cpanel of hosting .

If you choose a platform like, you’ll need to set up hosting for your blog. Hosting is where your blog’s files are stored and served to visitors. So for good performance , hosting must be good,

There are many good companies which provide good hosting service e.g Hostinger , A2 hosting , Bluehost , siteground and many more . ( will discuss in detail about it  in coming blogs)

THEMES AND PLUGINS (Elements of WordPress)

Themes and plugins are essential components of WordPress, Here’s an overview of what they are and how they differ:

A theme is a collection of files that determine the look, feel, and functionality of your blog’s front end. It controls the layout, design, colors, typography, and overall style of your blog.

Themes often come with customization options that allow you to personalize your blog’s appearance without needing to know how to code. You can typically customize aspects such as the header, footer, sidebar, fonts, colors, and more through a user-friendly interface.

There are many free and premium themes available for various blogging platforms. Free themes usually offer basic customization options, while premium themes often provide more advanced features, design options, and support. We use many Generate Press ( Lightest Theme ) or Astra mostly.

A good theme should be responsive, meaning it adapts and looks good on different devices and screen sizes, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.When choosing a theme, ensure it is compatible with your blogging platform’s version and any plugins you plan to use. It’s also essential to select a theme from a reputable source to ensure security and reliability.


Plugins are add-on software components that extend the functionality of your blogging platform. They allow you to add new features, enhance existing ones, and customize your blog’s functionality

Plugins serve various purposes, such as improving SEO, adding social sharing buttons, integrating contact forms, creating e-commerce functionality, optimizing performance, and more.

Plugins are typically easy to install and activate through your blogging platform’s admin dashboard. Once installed, you may need to configure settings to tailor the plugin to your specific needs.

There are thousands of plugins available for popular blogging platforms like WordPress, covering a wide range of functionalities. Some plugins are free, while others are premium and may require a purchase or subscription.

It’s important to keep plugins updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of your blogging platform and to patch any security vulnerabilities.

We will discuss about plugins and its respective feature in detail , in future.


These are key elements of WordPress

Now Question Arise on which Topic to start with blogging . It is highly recommended to choose particular niche(topic) not the general one and Why?

Choosing the right niche for your blog is a critical decision that can determine its success, especially if you’re aiming to generate passive income, so that reader has ide what  he is going to know and once yur audience on particular topic is ready the you have to only serve them. Here are some steps and tips to help you select a niche that not only aligns with your interests and expertise but also has the potential to be profitable:

1. Identify Your Interests and Passions
Start by listing topics you are passionate about or have a lot of knowledge in. Blogging requires a lot of content creation, so it’s important to choose a topic that you can write about consistently and enthusiastically.

2. Assess Your Expertise
Consider areas where you have special skills or experience. A blog that offers expert advice or unique insights can quickly establish credibility and attract a dedicated readership.

3. Research Market Demand-
Use tools like Google Trends, BuzzSumo, or AnswerThePublic to see what people are searching for in your areas of interest. This can help you understand the market demand and the potential audience size for your niche.

4. Analyze the Competition
Look at other blogs in your potential niche to assess the competition. High competition isn’t necessarily a bad thing—it means there’s a market. However, you should also look for gaps or areas where you can offer something different or better.

5. Consider Monetization Potential
Some niches are more lucrative than others when it comes to monetization opportunities like affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling digital products. For instance, niches like personal finance, health and wellness, technology, and travel are popular for affiliate marketing because they align well with products and services that benefit from detailed reviews and recommendations.

6. Think Long-Term Viability
Choose a niche that has enduring appeal. Avoid overly trendy topics that might not interest people a year from now. Additionally, think about whether you can keep generating content for this niche year after year without losing interest.

7. Evaluate SEO Opportunities
Research keywords related to your interests to see if there are opportunities to rank in search engines. A niche with a good number of medium-competition keywords may offer more opportunities to get your blog seen through organic search.

8. Test Your Niche
Before fully committing, consider writing several blog posts in your chosen niche. This can help you gauge your own interest in continuing to write about the topic and see how the audience responds to your content.

Example Niches
Here are some examples of niches that have proven to be both popular and profitable for bloggers:

Personal Finance: Budgeting, investing, financial planning, cryptocurrency.
Health and Fitness: Diet reviews, home workouts, mental health, wellness trends.
Tech and Gadgets: Reviews, how-tos, tech news, and trends.
Food and Cooking: Recipe blogs, food photography, diet-specific cooking (e.g., vegan, keto).
Travel: Budget travel, luxury travel, solo travel, travel gear reviews.
By carefully considering these factors and choosing a niche that not only interests you but also has a ready and waiting audience, you can set the foundation for a successful, income-generating blog.

How to check whether your platform is performing well or not??

You can check the speed of your website using GTMetrix.

GTmetrix is a popular tool used to analyze the performance of websites. It provides insights into how well a site loads and gives actionable recommendations on how to optimize it. Here’s an overview of how GTmetrix works and why it’s useful for website owners, developers, and SEO specialists

GTmetrix is a popular tool used to analyze the performance of websites. It provides insights into how well a site loads and gives actionable recommendations on how to optimize it. Here’s an overview of how GTmetrix works and why it’s useful for website owners, developers, and SEO specialists:

Key Features of GTmetrix


  1. Performance Scores: GTmetrix generates scores based on key performance indicators. The most prominent are the PageSpeed Score and YSlow Score, which are aggregates of multiple performance metrics. These scores help users quickly gauge the overall performance of their website.

  2. Loading Time and Page Size: The tool measures the total loading time of a website and the size of the page in kilobytes. It also details the number of requests made, helping to pinpoint what might be slowing down the site.

  3. Waterfall Chart: GTmetrix provides a detailed waterfall chart that shows how each element of a webpage loads in sequence. This is crucial for identifying specific files or scripts that cause delays in page loading.

  4. Recommendations: Based on the analysis, GTmetrix offers specific suggestions on how to improve website performance. These might include optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, reducing redirects, and more.

  5. Different Test Regions: Users can select different regions from which to run their tests, allowing them to see how their website performs across different geographical locations. This is particularly useful for international sites.

  6. Simulation Tools: GTmetrix allows users to simulate how a site performs on various devices (like desktops or mobile phones) and connection speeds (from broadband to slower connections).

How to Use GTmetrix

  1. Visit the GTmetrix Website: Go to the GTmetrix website and enter the URL of the site you want to analyze.
  2. Analyze Your Site: After entering the URL, GTmetrix will perform an analysis and provide a report outlining performance scores, load times, and more.
  3. Review Recommendations: Check the actionable recommendations provided by GTmetrix and implement them to improve your site’s performance.
  4. Re-test: After making changes, use GTmetrix again to test the site and see the effect of your optimizations.

GTmetrix is a vital tool, especially useful for ensuring that websites are optimized for speed and good user experience, thereby aiding in better search engine rankings and improved user engagement. click on link to see your website score

Follow these steps while creating your Blog-

  • Select Your Niche (Specific Topic of your Blogging)
  • Choose Your domain name (e.g. 
  • Choose Your Hosting Company( e.g  hostinger , A2 Hosting , siteground)
  • Install Themes and Plugins
  • Theme determine the look, feel and how good your platform will look 
  •  Plugins determines the functionality, flexibility , security, plugins as per requirement of what to do
  • Choose Plugins for security , backups (Detail about best plugins we use are mentioned in following Table)
  • Start Writing Blogs and update your content with time and Provide best content and recommend best and reliable source you have tried.
Best Domain Provider
Besting Hosting Provider
Rank Math
Best Seo Plugin
WP Rocket
Best Platform for Speed Optimization
Thrive Themes
Best Platform to create Websit
Lightest WordPress Theme
Best Website Creation Plugin
Wp Fence
Best Plugin for Security

About Myself (Inderpreet Singh)

Myself Inderpreet Singh , Engineer by Profession , Blogger , Funnel Creator and Automation Expert by passion, Doing Blogging since last 5 Years..

If You have any question ,contact us at or